Current track: Listening to instrumental Beetles covers. (Thank you, Internet)
Today, the internal debate was about whether or not to tuck my shirt in.
By far, one of the things I was most apprehensive about after deciding to accept my new job was knowing that I would have to step up my wardrobe.
When you work at an ad agency, as I have pretty much my entire adult life, you get used to a fairly slack dress code. Sure, the guys in accounting wore slacks and dress shirts, but the creative types making the most money could barely muster a wrinkled t-shirt and some cargo shorts for a client meeting. You were lucky if they wore some close-toed slip ons instead of saddles.
As a middling account guy, I knew I was safe with a pair of dark jeans and something with buttons. But, it didn’t have to be tucked in.
I’m working for a corporate behemoth downtown now, and while the homeless guys dress like art directors, most of the men in my office are strictly slacks, dress shirts and nice shoes. And, always tucked in.
Today was my first Friday at the new gig. Surely, these squares let loose on Fridays, right? I’m not talking tie-dye and loafers, but perhaps something less than the stock photo definition of “business casual.”
Did they tuck their shirts in on Fridays? Would I look like a heathen if my belt was hidden? Would I be the hapless new guy if it wasn’t?
I had already ironed my shirt last night, which I did probably five times in the last eight years of agency life.
After too much discussion with my wife, she finally asked me: how does the best dressed guy there look?
“He wear’s purple shirts,” I said. “I can’t pull that off.”
“Is he always buttoned up and tucked in?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I said. “So far, anyway.”
“Well, I would go with that, then,” she walked away. “I mean, maybe you’re risking it just by wearing those pants.”
What about my pants! I had seen guys in fashionable jeans already. Can’t I wear these gray ones? They’re from the Gap. Nothing says business casual like the Gap!
I was going to miss my train.
Finally, I decided to tuck it in. It looked nice. I need to do some sit ups and eat less of everything, but it looked nice.
I walked into the office with my head held high. I immediately saw Mr. Purple Shirt in a pair of blue jeans and a rumpled shirt.
“Hey man,” he said. “It’s Friday. You can relax a little bit.”
Untuck, friends.
Photo credit: Thomas8047 via / CC BY