Friday Headlines – 3/8/13

A few headlines to get you to the weekend. A police dog in Massachusetts accidentally fired a gun he found in a snowbank during a search last week. The dog has been signed by Death Row records and plans to start beef with Snoopy. Facebook announced that the social network would be rolling out a new design. In… Read more

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Friday Headlines – 2/22/13

Catching up from last week, here are some headlines from the past fortnight.  In personal news, I was sent to a seminar in which I learned how to better manage co-workers from the millennial generation. It was nice to be recognized as a leader in the agency, but it was much harder to realize I… Read more

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No News is Good Novosti

Been a busy week in the real world, so no headlines today. Will try to pick up with our regularly scheduled programming next week. There is one story that caught my eye early in the week. Apparently, a judge in Russia fell asleep during a fraud trial and was subsequently fired from his post. Now,… Read more

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Friday Headlines – 2/1/13

Here’s your weekly news fix heading into the weekend. San Francisco’s animal control agency has found a second life for discarded newspapers, partnering with a local library to gather copies and use them to line the cages in their kennel. So, score one for print. Nobody wants a stray dog crapping on their iPhone. In… Read more

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Friday Headlines – 1/25/13

Seth didn’t use any of my jokes last week, but I thought I’d keep at it, anyway. It was a short week, so this will go quickly. Due to some quirks in the calendar, President Obama became the first president since FDR to get sworn in to office four different times. You do have to… Read more

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Friday Headlines – 1/17/13

Seth Meyers doesn’t know it, but I’ve decided to help him out with the Weekend Update segment this week. Below are some comments based on the week’s news. This week, President Obama unveiled a series of new laws aimed at lowering the number of gun deaths in America. Reactions were mixed on the proposals. A… Read more

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Tuesday News

Best Buy is in hot water with the American Family Association for running an ad that wishes followers of Islam a “Happy Eid Al-Adha.” The group has also singled out The Gap for celebrating all of the winter holidays, Wal-Mart for using an asterisk in their logo instead of a cross and aisle 13 of… Read more

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Getting Kicked in the Face Hurts

What I learned this week: Getting kicked in the face hurts. Yes, I am still playing softball. It may not be the glory days of high school, when my fastball would touch the mid fifties and have opposing hitters wavering in their cleats with excitement over mashing my latest offering into the parking lot, but… Read more

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The Office Spec – “Bring Your Pet to Work Day”

COLD OPEN FADE IN: INT. OFFICE – DAY – D1 PAM enters. Pulls off her coat and scarf as she sits down. Picks up the phone and starts checking messages. ANGLE ON: A CAT walks across Pam’s desk. She looks up at the cat. Looks to her right and sees a GOAT eating paper. Pam… Read more

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It all starts with some heavy cream

What I learned this weekend: You can’t pick strawberries and not end up making fondue. There are a lot of things that change when you get married. You don’t go out and get drunk as much. You watch a few less ball games on TV. You see an attractive girl walking down the street and… Read more

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